
Showing posts from March, 2018

Common Terminologies Definition Used in Development Sector All Over the World

Sex and gender ·         Sex refer to the biological difference between men and women, which are universal and do not change. ·         Gender means roles and responsibilities assigns by the society for men and women. Participation ·         “Involvement of the stake holders in decision making and planning is Participation.” “Communication” ·         An approach of conveying message, involvement of the people and relation building is communication.” “Mobilization” ·         “Convincing or awareness of the people in a specific matter or particular direction is mobilization .” “Awareness” ·         “Differentiation between good and bad deeds is awareness.” “Sustainability” ·         “Survival against vulnerability is sustainability.” “Vulnerability” ·         “Vulnerability is a complex set of interrerelated factors and conditions which affect the ability of the community to prevent mitigate and prepare for or respond to hazard

Common Terminologies Definition Used in Development Sector All Over the World

Development ·         A process of change, evolution and transformation from present to a new situation. ·         Transform of ideas for the betterment. ·         Gradually change towards betterment or transform of things towards positive.           Participatory development ·         The process of development that ensures participation of all stakeholders at all stages i.e. appraisal need identification, Planning, Implement, Monitoring, and evaluation. ·         Transform of ideas from stakeholders for the betterment. ·         Participation of the stakeholders in Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and evaluation and having the value of all the participants.   Empowerment ·         Empowerment involves people in assuming control or mastery over their lives. OR “THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE IN DECISION MAKING AND PLANNING” SIMPLY FREEDOM OF SUGGESTION AND CONSULTATION” . (Rapp port, 1987) ·         Empowerment is a social action process that promotes “Prom

6 Leaders of the World Who targeted With Shoes Attack in the World

Background: Every human being has his self respect.  Nature created human beings on the basis of humanity and love. Every culture of the world promote huminty and love to built their nations and their good mutual livings. Taking revenge or opposing any of the Politician’s policies and decisions, this is a very cheep action to insult any leader of the world in front of public while throwing shoe at him. Shoes throwing in front of public at leaders /politicians is going to be common in the world. If someone has any anger on his/her leader it doesn’t mean he/she has to take revenge or exhaust his/her frustration while insulting leaders/politicians by throwing shoes at them in front of public. However below is the 6 leaders of the world who targeted with shoe attacks by audience during their speeches in different ceremonies:- USA President George W. Bush  USA President  George W. Bush was targeted with shoe by an  Iraqi-an Journalist when the president was addre