Common Terminologies Definition Used in Development Sector All Over the World

Sex and gender

·        Sex refer to the biological difference between men and women, which are universal and do not change.
·        Gender means roles and responsibilities assigns by the society for men and women.


·        “Involvement of the stake holders in decision making and planning is Participation.”


·        An approach of conveying message, involvement of the people and relation building is communication.”


·        “Convincing or awareness of the people in a specific matter or particular direction is mobilization.”


·        “Differentiation between good and bad deeds is awareness.”


·        “Survival against vulnerability is sustainability.”


·        “Vulnerability is a complex set of interrerelated factors and conditions which affect the ability of the community to prevent mitigate and prepare for or respond to hazard events. These are also weakness present in individuals, households and the community.
§  Social vulnerability.
§  Economical vulnerability.
§  Physical vulnerability.

“Equity and Equality.”

·        “Rights according to the need is equity.”
·        “A general right of every one is equality.”

“Capacity Building.”

·        “Knowledge, skills, resources, abilities present in individuals, households and the the community which enable them to survive and recover in the society.

“Quality and Quantity.”

·        “Effectiveness and Efficiency makes quality.”
·        “Having efficiency but lack of effectiveness.”

“Contaminated Water.”

·        “Mixture of illusions in water”.


·        “To be ready for all the events.”


·        “Use of particular techniques to overcome, or to control the hazards.”


·        “To check, to verify, or to search.”


·        “To control over or to resolve the problems partially.”


·        “Dependable, who can’t survive without the help of the others?”


·        “Measurement of quality and quantity is accountability.”

“Communicable disease.”

·        “This spread from one person to the other.”

“Fecal oral diseases.”

·        “Diseases due to faces and urine.”

Water borne diseases.”

·        “Diseases due to contaminated and stagnant water.”

“Vector borne diseases.”

·        “Diseases due to some type of insects.”

“Attitude and Behaviors.”

·     Verbal action or reaction of some one is behavior.     
·        Practical action or reaction of some one is attitude.

,, Waste.

Substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended
·        To be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of the law.
  ,, Disposal means.

·        Any operation which may lead to resource recovery, recycling,    reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses.            

  Morbidity is another word for saying sickness.


·        Mortality is another word for saying Death.


·        Cholera is a severe type of diarrhoea, which can cause rapid dehydration and death. It is characterized by `rice watery stools and or vomiting.                                        

·        The WHO defines diarrhoea as the production of at least three loose or watery stools in a day.


·        Dysentery is a type of diarrhoea which is accompanied with blood and/or mucus in a stool.


·        A disease is said to endemic when it usually occurs in the population. There are varying levels of endemic:

Hypo endemic

·        Little transmission, malaria does not affect the general population significantly (spleen rate in children aged 2-9 year in less then10%)


·        Typically found in rural communities with varying intensity of transmission (spleen rate in children 11-50%)

Hyper endemic

·        Areas with intense but seasonal transmission where immunity is insufficient to prevent effect of malaria in all age groups (spleen rate in children constantly more then 50% and in adult more then 25%)


·        Areas with perennial high-degree transmission producing considerable immunity in all age groups, particularly adults (spleen rate in children constantly more then 75%, but low spleen rate in adults)


·        The occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness with a frequency clears in excess of what would normally be expected.

Falciparum malaria

·        Malaria is caused by a bite from a female anopheles mosquito infected with the plasmodium parasite. This plasmodium parasite can be one of four different species: plasmodium vivax, ovale, malaria or falciparum. The latter is responsible for fou Different species


·        Is a disease transmitted by the faces of contaminated lice through cuts or abrasions in the skin


DNCA is abbreviation Of “Dimages, Needs and capacities Assessment is the participatory Analysis” of the disaster event, of the damage it caused of the immediate needs and priorities of the affected community, and the remaining capacities people use to cope with the obverse effect.


·        Monitoring is the Ongoing, systematic collection and analysis of information
 Relating to the progress of work.


Evaluation can cover a very broad area and may be considered as a kind of research into programme,its usually tries to asses impact as well as examining whether a project has been cost effective and efficient.


·        Impact assessment attempts to determine whether significant or lasting changes in the lives of poor people have occurred as a result of project activities.


·     A presentation is an activity conducted by a resource person to convey   information, theories or principals. To present lecture to some involvement of the learner through questions and discussion.

Small group discussion

·     A small group discussion is an activity that allows learners to share their experience and ideas or to solve a problem.

Rapid  Assessment 

·     Collecting data for proposal writing and to provide a baseline for monitoring is a team activity that must be planned  and carried out by the whole team and managed by the project manager

Community Mobilization

·     Community mobilization is a strategy for involving communities in TAKING ACTION to achieve a particular goal.


·     Effectiveness is defined as the extent to which a specific intervention producer , regimen or service, when deployed under field conditions, does what it is intended to do.

Technical Efficiency

·     The extent to which the choice and utilization of input resources produces a specific health output, intervention,or a service at the lowest cost.


In the context of planning target refers to:
·     The group, the population, the age bracket (the target group) for which the plan is being prepared.

·      The number of activities that have to be carried out to achieve a (target number)given outcome or objective


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