Top 6 World Most Aggressive Birds of the World

Top 6 World Most Aggressive Birds of the World

Attitude and Behavior that is projected to threaten an attack causing physical injury on another organism or the violence is generally compared with aggression. Aggression in humans ranges through fear-induced aggression, parental disciplinary aggression, maternal aggression, and sexual aggression. Aggression may b of both constructive and destructive purpose.  Among animals and birds, the selections of aggression include most of the human types as well as greedy aggression, territorial defense, and sexually related aggression in competition for a buddy. In any living organisms both characteristics exist i.e. one can fill your heart with love and peace while the other will definitely worry and hurt you. In birds this type of nature also exists. Some can bring peace and joy, some cause trouble and some others can even kill you. Here the list of top 6 world most aggressive birds in the world.

6.        Great Northern Loon

Great Northern Loon is originally most simple species on earth. Great Northern Loon are usually found near the lakes in the moderate forest regions, in the arctic tundra landscapes in North America and Northern Eurasia. They spend their summer in lakes and ponds in Northern United States, Canada and Greenland. In winter, they migrate to South, to Pacific and Atlantic coastlines.
The weight of Great Northern Loon round about 9 to 13 pounds and having length of 24 to 39 inches. They have same like razor sharp and pointed beaks to spike apart the flash into pieces.  They attack the target with the sharp beaks. The population of the Great Northern Loon is reducing due to the water pollution.
They target head or neck, just like attacking their natural hunters such as bald eagles, gulls, sea otters, ravens or skunks. Such an attack with a spike like beaks could cause serious difficulties.

5.        Mute Swan

Mute Swan usually found in Eurasia but also found in other parts of the world including North America. Mute Swan weight is round about 26 pounds and its length is about 7 feet. This spices lived in lakes, Park, ponds and the areas which are frequented by human beings. It looks peaceful and quite but it also most aggressive as defensive. It aggressively defends its nests against killers. It suggested to keep a safe and far distance from Mute Swan, especially children. Mute Swan make a fast approach with heckling and attack you with their strong wings. As their wings size and strength is very hard and huge so their attack could result in serious injuries, especially to eyes.

4          Australian Magpie

Australian Magpie is an Australian aggressive bird.  Its size is medium and is living in plains, fields, parks and gardens through most of Australia. It defend fiercely their nests in spring seasons and during this period Australian Magpie becomes most aggressive. Australian Magpie this behavior and attitude is to safeguard their nest. If they found you as a risk for them, they attack you courageously. Be . They would attack bitterly and fiercely if they feel any danger from you.

3          European Herring Gull

European Herring Gull is mostly found across the Western Europe. Its wings size 50 to 60 inches and 2.6 inches long razor sharp beaks. They are looking quiet and peaceful but severely a danger for human beings as they formed their nest in urban areas. They prefer to live in urban areas due to availability of excess amount of food and garbage. In urban areas which cause frequent conflicts with the human community. The clashes occur when they steal food aggressively from the persons. They cause injuries to humans with their razor sharp beaks.

As habitual like other aggressive birds, European Herring Gull become more aggressive and attack every nearer substances during nesting. Everyone must keep a safe distance from European Herring Gull because they attack in a team.

2          Ostrich

Ostrich is the largest most aggressive bird living on the Earth. As there are many types of Ostrich were living on this earth but nowadays the only surviving and remaining ostrich species in the world. They lived in savannas, deserts and grasslands. The Ostrich looks funny, but it is aggressive. It is about 8 feet tall and having weight round about 240 pounds. It has big eyelashes and having broad beaks. The running speed of Ostrich is about 43 miles per hour. They have large legs and very sharp nails to which they use as their weapon to attack. When they fell any danger from human they attack with their full force. They can kill humans in just few seconds with just only one kick.

1          Southern Cassowary

Southern Cassowary is mostly found in the forests of New Guinea and Northwestern Australia.  This is the most dangerous and aggressive bird among all the birds of the world. They have blue skin covers and black feathers. They have a bony head plate.  Southern Cassowary weight is 135 pounds and they are about 7 feet tall. Southern Cassowary are strongly defensive to their areas and habitat. They have strong legs and very powerful for kicks. They have very sharp claws. They can kill the humans within seconds. Southern Cassowary was declared world most dangerous and aggressive bird by the Guinness Book of Records.


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